How to use FIBO Viewer
To start using FIBO Viewer, search for interesting concepts by walking through the FIBO directory structure on the left-hand side or use the full-text search function.
FIBO structure
FIBO is a set of ontologies. It is organized in a hierarchical directory structure.
Top-level directories are called domains; beneath that may be one or two levels of sub-domain and then modules and dozens of ontologies at the bottom level.
FIBO maturity levels
Each FIBO ontology has one of three levels of maturity.
Release ontologies are ones that are considered to be stable and mature from a development perspective.
Provisional ontologies are ones that are considered to be under development.
Provisional ontologies are ones that are considered deprecated but included for informational purposes because they are referenced by some provisional concept.
FIBO Viewer uses colours to indicate the status of an ontology. Each ontology is either green or yellow.
The green square icon indicates that an ontology has a "release" maturity level. Domains or modules are green if they contain only green ontologies.
Yellow square icon means that it's provisional. Domains or modules are yellow if they contain only yellow ontologies.
Orange circle icon means that it's informative. Domains or modules are orange if they contain only orange ontologies.
Mixed, green-yellow-orange icon means domains or modules include both green, yellow and orange ontologies.
About FIBO Viewer
FIBO Viewer is a JAVA application that is specifically designed to access both the FIBO structure and its content in the easiest possible way. It can serve both as a web application and REST API. FIBO Viewer is an open-source project that EDM Council hosts. See for details.