FIB-DM is a complete transformation of the FIBO into a Conceptual Data Model.

  • Midsize EDM Council members want to use the industry standard, but many don’t have ontology tooling, databases, and human expertise in-house yet.
  • Large financial institutions want to leverage their customized ontologies for the whole enterprise beyond the Semantic Center of Excellence (CoE).

The FIBO development team created FIBO-derived glossaries and dictionaries to help. However, data architects still have to manually transcribe diagrams into their data modeling tool and copy & paste definitions. The Financial Industry Business Data Model supplements the EDMC ontology-derived formats. Jayzed Data Models Inc. derived FIB-DM with CODT, our patented (US12038939) Configurable Ontology to Data-model Transformation.

Jayzed Data Models Inc. derived FIB-DM with CODT, our patented (US12038939) Configurable Ontology to Data-model Transformation.

Ontology Graph to Entity Relationship diagram

CODT derives FIB-DM entities from FIBO classes, associative entities from object properties, relationships from the domain, range, and class restrictions, and attributes from data properties. The data model entities contain the complete FIBO documentation and lineage with the source FIBO class URI link.

Standalone FIB-DM is an encyclopedia of subject matter design patterns and blueprints and an authoritative Enterprise Data Model.

We believe that the ontology-derived data model is also more comprehensive, modern, and conceptually sound, thanks to the exceptional work of the FIBO development team and EDMC members supporting the content groups.

Strategically, adopting the industry standard for relational and object modeling today, you are fully prepared for Semantic Enterprise Information Architecture with the ontology at the apex and derived models for data, message, object, and process in the future.

Semantic Enterprise Information Architecture.

  • As a FIB-DM architect, you can easily learn OWL and ontology tooling because you recognize the familiar concepts and design patterns.
  • As a business user or analyst, you find the FIB-CM concept maps intuitive and far less complicated than graphs and data models.
  • As an ontologist, you reverse-engineer in-house data models into RDF/OWL, accelerating your Enterprise Ontology design for Knowledge Graph and other use cases. In addition, you generate data models for conventional data architecture.

Common names and definitions across the enterprise facilitate integration between applications, RDBMS and RDF-stores.

FIB-DM core is the Open Source (GPL-3.0 copyleft) version for smaller financial institutions, academic research, and your technical evaluation. The 1029-entity model derived from FIBO Foundation, Business Entities, and Finance Business & Commerce modules. More than three thousand architects downloaded the model already.

FIB-DM Packages (PowerDesigner screenshot)

FIB-DM Normative is the full 3074-entity version, derived from the latest FIBO Production, including modules for OMG Commons, Loans, Securities, and Derivatives.

We release the industry models as SAP PowerDesigner Conceptual and Logical Data Models. Most data modeling tools can import native PowerDesigner files. For other tools and uses FIB-UM, the Universal Model is the FIBO in UML-XMI.

Licenses are priced for institution size, using your EDMC membership tier as a segment. You can license the CODT transformation technology as a bundle or add-on to FIB-DM.

To learn more watch the introduction videos on YouTube, download the data model, diagrams, education PowerPoints, and the full model report on the FIB-DM website, and follow the discussion on LinkedIn.

Please contact me with any questions or to arrange an overview meeting. Thanks, ontologist and data architect (